Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

The Guardians Skylord and the band of humanoid misfits in this pulp-fiction sci-fi adventure from Marvel Studios as they are drafted by a powerful alien hierarchy called the Sovereign to guard precious batteries from invaders. When Rocket is caught stealing the sets, the Sovereign dispatch an armada after the Guardians as an act of vengeance. In escaping the all-powerful regime, Peter finds his father. Naturally, Peter is conflicted with emotions about his estranged father - elated to find him, betrayed that his father had left him and his mother in the first place, hesitant toward this stranger. Now, the first film was clean, crisp and lively with smart quips from Rocket and Drax. "I t’s the same combination of cartoony action and intergalactic screwball with some ambient production design recalling the photorealist sci-fi imagery of Roger Dean or Chris Foss in a bygone age, creating a visual sense of earnestness to offset the archly retro pop culture gags," writes ...