Speechless Pilot

Don't get me wrong. Micah Fowler has potential as the supposed main charecter but appeareduce to be outshined by the overbearing Minnie Driver , who plays the role of Maya DiMeo - the caring mother who constantly interjects into her children's lives. Here, the producers were spot-on. But, then again, so were the producers of Modern Family. Now for the elephant in the room - the van! Maya pedals around in a mother of a van, handicap accessible for JJ. Of course, the pilot makes it an ordeal of parking at school. Driver speeds to the school and is spotted by cops in a patrol car. They see the beheamoth roar by, one about to pursue when his partner says, "It's not worth it."Nowadays, there are smaller cars, SUVs and pickup trucks that can be converted for wheelchair accessibility - which would make better getaway cars.
I've always hated how wheelchair lifts groan as they let me down. Of course, the show had to emphasize this much to my chagrin Aas it lowered JJ to the ground; I clenched my teeth. Of course, there's always the teacher with the high-pitched voice who talks like you're an infant and the big-to-do when you enter class - but only if you are in second grade.
I could let it go if those were the only things the producers slipped up on, but they weren't. Somewhere along the line, the show abruptly jumped to the brother, Ray DiMeo (Mason Cook) who has his eyes and heart set on the cute little girl in his class. Okay, this is the 21st century, people! Can't JJ have feelings for a girl? He is, after all, the focus of the show! Whew. I am done for now.
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