Review for Ghoul

Bram Stoker Award-Winning author, Brian Keene formed this maticulously thought-out novel which takes place during the summer of 1984 about a boy named Timmy Graco who is expecting his summer vacation will consisting of relaxing and having fun with his friends. Instead, the three hot months of summer will be nothing but horrifying. Timmy and his friend will fight a life-and-death battle against a hellish creature that many aren't aware of its existence. Another terrific horror novel by the critically acclaimed Brian Keene. I love his style of writing, easy to read and attention-grabbing. The only complaint is one of Timmy's friends' moms has a drinking problem. Ghoul is different from the rest of Keene's novels because it's more emotionally enticing. ****(four stars) and the friend tells Timmy that the friend's mother is violating him.  The ending was a hanger.


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