Review for Sherlock Holmes

Directed by Guy Richie, this unique, well-done movie staring Robert Downy Jr. and Jude Law follows the genius detective Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downy Jr.) on a case that will quiz his rational mind. After the arrest of Lord Blackwood, an elderly man saw Blackwood rise out of his grave and walk out of the London graveyard compelling the duo to put Blackwood, and this case to rest. Could Blackwood be with the forces of hell itself? Could the entire empire be in peril? Downy and Law recreate the image of the vintage Sherlock Holmes films with their phenomenal acting skills along with equally fantastic visual effects. I give this riveting movie **** (four stars). In between all of the action sequences, there are comical moments that keep the movie not to intense and the action make sures the comedy doesn't make the movie too goofy.


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